February 7th, 2025
Information on the Canary Islands
Motorbike Hire
Motorcycle Tours
Complete Offer
Company Portrait


FAQ (frequently asked questions)

Which benefits do I have when booking online?
You can be sure to get the requested motorbike for the desired period of time. Online booking makes our working processes easier. We make you benefit by conceding a discount to you.
Do I have to book online or may I also book by phone, fax or email?
Of course you may also use these ways of booking. Unfortunately you will lose the online-booking-discount.

Why do I need to provide all relevant data for renting a motorbike already within the online booking form?
The data will be inserted directly into the rental agreement. Therfore it will be an easy take-over of your desired motorbike.

Are the data inserted in the online booking form protected from unauthorised access?
Our web site uses safe data transmission according to the secure http protocol. All data are cryptographically secured and can not be recognized by anyone else. You will recognize the safe data transmission by a lock symbol in the header or footer of your browser.

How will I know if the booked motorbike is available in the requested term?
Immediately after having sent your online booking, you will receive an email confirming the receipt of your booking. Within 24 hours you will receive a second email with a binding booking confirmation.

What happens if the requested motorbike is not available?
In this case, we will contact you personally in order to suggest you an alternative. Thanks to the variety of our motorbikes, a solution can easily be found.

Do I get exact the motorbike I booked or does the booking refer to the respective category?
Contrarily to most car rentals, you will receive exact the motorbike you booked. In the rare case this should not be possible, we will offer you -free of charge- an upgrade to the next higher category.

What is the prepayment for?
The prepayment makes your booking binding and assures your claim on the requested motorbike. Your motorbike is then no longer at our disposition within the booking system.

How much is the prepayment?
The prepayment is 25% of the rental price, minimum: one-day rent.

When is the payment of balance due?
The payment of balance is due latest when picking up the motorbike.

Which is the minimum age for renting a motorbike?
The minimum age is 23 years.

What about the technical conditions of the motorbikes?
Canarymoto’s motorbikes are quiet young. All motorbikes are carefully maintained and permanently get technical checked.

Why does my browser receive cookies when booking and contacting you?
Cookies are little text files, which are send to your browser in order to recognise you during the booking process. This prevents that your data is falsified or inserted automatically by other programmes. Your browser needs to be set up in the manner to allow cookies. We guarantee, that we will not send any cookies for the recording of your user behaviour.



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0049 1702343460

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Ernst S.L. rent a car